Massage can reduce muscle soreness and can even help muscle injuries heal...as well as simply just make you feel good all over!
FOR DELAYED MUSCLE SORENESS: If you've had an exceptionally heavy workout or participated in a strenuous sporting event, getting a professional massage can help lessen the muscle soreness that often appears hours or days after you've exerted yourself. Professional athletes routinely get massages for this purpose.
FOR INJURIES: Massage increases blood flow; in injured muscles, more blood flow promotes healing. However, if you wish to try massage for an injury or illness, be sure to get clearance from your physician.
The following list is just SOME of the additional benefits massage can help provide relief for:
Release of physical and emotional tension and stress ~ Ahletic ability and overall fitness ~ Improved body and mind awareness ~ Sore muscles and spasms ~ Anxiety and depression ~ Reduced neck and back pain ~ Immune Deficiency ~ Decrease in chronic joint pain ~ Blood pressure control ~ Sports-related injuries ~ Improved sleep ~ Stiffness ~ Pain
FOR DELAYED MUSCLE SORENESS: If you've had an exceptionally heavy workout or participated in a strenuous sporting event, getting a professional massage can help lessen the muscle soreness that often appears hours or days after you've exerted yourself. Professional athletes routinely get massages for this purpose.
FOR INJURIES: Massage increases blood flow; in injured muscles, more blood flow promotes healing. However, if you wish to try massage for an injury or illness, be sure to get clearance from your physician.
The following list is just SOME of the additional benefits massage can help provide relief for:
Release of physical and emotional tension and stress ~ Ahletic ability and overall fitness ~ Improved body and mind awareness ~ Sore muscles and spasms ~ Anxiety and depression ~ Reduced neck and back pain ~ Immune Deficiency ~ Decrease in chronic joint pain ~ Blood pressure control ~ Sports-related injuries ~ Improved sleep ~ Stiffness ~ Pain